Trust Your Pipeline: Automatically Testing an End-to-End Java Application
August 6, 2020

Better manage the Explicit Waits with Selenium WebDriver
August 21, 2020Introduction
In my career, I always believed that we (technical roles working in a software development project) are software engineers with more focus and experience in one area (backend, frontend, quality engineering, devops).
These 3 books can be read by any software engineer who wants to learn more about the quality engineering topic.
The first book will show to you a more in-depth technical perspective of quality. The second focuses on the web and the third focuses on API.
Developer Testing: Building Quality Into Software
by Alexander Tarnowski

One of my favorite books related to Quality Engineering.
Alexander explains very well all about testing to testers and developers. There are some chapters with a good explanation about testing without code, and there are some chapters with a lot of code explaining testability and how to apply some testing ideas in code.
If you are a backend developer or an experienced quality engineer you’ll understand a lot of concepts and practices to expand your knowledge and create reliable software.
Reviews on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27781314-developer-testing
Find on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Developer-Testing-Building-Addison-Wesley-Signature/dp/0134291069
The Way of the Web Tester: Reduce Bugs, Increase Quality, Have Fun
by Jonathan Rasmusson

Are you a newbie or an experienced web tester? It doesn’t matter: you must read this book.
Jonathan guides his explanation of the automation pyramid in an upside-down way, and I believe he is right. For testers, it is faster learning because they are used to working in the UI layer. But the author also explains well the other layers in detail with practical examples.
It’s a must-read book for developers working in an agile team because the author shows, with some practical programming exercises, how we do unit tests with mocks.
My tip: read slowly and try to do all the exercises.
Reviews on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29584679-the-way-of-the-web-tester
Find on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Way-Web-Tester-Beginners-Automating-ebook/dp/B01MF92GTC/
Automating and Testing a REST API
by Alan Richardson

Alan has a super high knowledge of Selenium WebDriver (and an excellent course about it as well) and is the author of the Java for Testers book.
In my opinion, you must have previous knowledge of test REST APIs (even the author explains it).
I’ve learned new interesting things like hacking the HTTP request to create data (Fuzzer). All API examples are using the XML approach. I missed examples with JSON but it’s positive: we have a lot of examples using JSON on the internet.
I also liked the chapter about API abstractions. It’s a really good thing to think that your tool can be replaced with another, so the abstraction makes this transition easier and your tests readable.
Reviews on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33831267-automating-and-testing-a-rest-api
Find on Leanpub: https://leanpub.com/testrestapi
How about you?
Which technical test book do you recommend reading?